Espresso Station


ARTIST: Rachel Wilcox
DIMENSIONS: 36” x 36”
MEDIUM: oil on canvas


My artistic practice is grounded in traditional painting methods and representational subject matter, but it is the act of painting itself that I find most inspiring.  I enjoy the challenge of harmonizing disparate forms and ideas.  I am attracted to visual chaos; I strive to organize and control it.  My mind seeks out the patterns and I find comfort in creating some kind of order on the canvas. With the use of intuitive mark-making, my goal is always to simplify.  Patterns of form and movement, of light and shadow, are the engines behind my work.  This is what drives my creative process, but painting itself is always the point.

Rachel Wilcox was born and raised in Massachusetts and graduated from The Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in Illustration.  Her paintings can be found in public and private collections across the country.