L O O K I N G   I N ,   L O O K I N G   O U T

T W O   G A L L E R I E S   –  S I X   A R T I S T S
O N   D I S P L A Y    S E P T E M B E R   2 0 1 7

A single image can capture a place, a moment in time, and an experience. For the month of September, Edgewater Gallery will be celebrating the power of landscape imagery. Using both gallery locations, we will be displaying the work of a diverse group of artists whose work tells stories by capturing both elements of nature and man-made structures. These paintings and photographs highlight the beauty found in the world around us as seen through the eyes of the artist. The group exhibition Looking In, Looking Out: 2 Galleries, 6 Artists will include Kathryn Milillo, Faye Mylen, and Jim Westphalen on the Green and Steven P. Goodman, Emilie Lee, and Jill Matthews at the Falls.

Here’s what they had to say about their latest works:

E D G E W A T E R   O N   T H E   G R E E N



Lately, I have been thinking of the phrase “simple matters” as I paint. At first I focused on the spare arrangement of geometric shapes of favorite barns and small homes, the dazzle of reflected light and the rich world of the shadows. Because I have been staying at a camp on Lake Champlain recently, I’ve been paying close attention to what is here, now, which can be especially challenging with a body of water. The complexities of Long Point’s gentle hills, with Buck and Snake Mountain in the distance, has contrasted with the simple grass foreground of the water’s edge. Still, the heart of these water paintings is found in the middle way, that elusive space of the in-between.

Sunlit Marsh II


See it all as precious; hold nothing precious. I go out exploring for the new work that I create and I see the most beautiful views everywhere, but it is beyond what the eye can see that inspires me the most. I feel the energy of the space, the vitality of nature working in perfect harmony, the movement, the sounds, and the smells. I am left reminded again of how precious nature really is. I then start my painting, invigorated by the possibility of translating that feeling, that awe, into a tangible piece of work. And without fail, I am left to face the fact that when it comes to the creation of art, I must hold nothing on that panel precious, as it will only hinder the result. And in that letting go, the beauty of freedom and real expression can be found.

Glen Dale Farm I


When I look out at our rural landscape, I see our heritage; the farms, barns and
structures that are the character of this beautiful state and the foundation that our great country was built upon. I see the generations of rural Americans that came before us and feel the connection to their toils, ambitions, accomplishments and disappointments.
May these images serve as a reminder of a simpler time and may they be an
encouragement to appreciate these structures not only for what they once where, but for what they have now become, for sadly, most will succumb to the elements and fold into the soil on which they were built upon, taking their stories with them.

E D G E W A T E R   A T   T H E   F A L L S


With my newest body of work I have used the external world of nature as a launching pad to explore the more personal reality of emotions and imagination. These paintings are more abstract with a focus on the ties that bind us together in our common humanity.

Shelburne Farms


I make all of my paintings on location while surrounded by the dynamic energy of nature. These small plein air paintings contain a wealth of information to me – when I look at them months or years later, I enter a portal back in time to the exact moment when it was made. All the sensory details come flooding back to me – the mood of the weather, who I was with, and what emotions I was experiencing. 

French Blues


In my recent work I am capturing the beauty of simple objects through color and light. I’m constantly editing the pieces, stripping away details in the composition and giving strength to what remains.

For more details on the show, CLICK HERE 

Edgewater Gallery