Hoadley’s current ceramic work reflects an investigation into several areas of interest, such as the vessel as an abstract sculptural form, pattern and color and how a collection of abstract elements can create various feelings or impressions, and the investigation of surface pattern and three dimensional form.
Using the traditional Japanese technique, nerikomi (the layering of different colored clays, resulting in a penetration of the pattern through the thickness of the wall so as to be visible on both the outside and the inside), pattern and structure become one and the same, as in the natural world. Hoadley’s implementation of nerikomi translates the amazing plasticity of clay into a visual format. Straight parallel lines are created by stacking up slices of various colored clays, but in the manipulation of the resulting soft block of clay the lines become undulating, made to taper down to hair’s breadth.
“I think of my patterns as being a collaboration between my imposed structure and the clay’s wise alteration of that structure.”