Solstice with Jupiter



“Painting, for me, is both a way to remember and a way to forget”

My non-representational paintings provide an opening, a bridge, helping me to reconcile the complex and beautiful dualities of life.

Paint, being tangible, tactile, and malleable, can make visible what is invisible; joy and sorrow, clarity and confusion, beauty and hatred. It can give form and substance to moments that leave me breathless and without words. Capturing movement, motion or momentum, and then suspending that moment, so that it verges simultaneously on both becoming and dissolving is an illusive and compelling objective.

Everything about art making is exciting, frightening, and addicting, weighted with potential for discovery or risk of failure. The processes, materials and energy to focus on creating seems hardwired in my DNA. It’s how I filter the world around me – how I take in the visual, emotional, social and sensory experiences and try to reconfigure them in a new visual language .