In 2011, Artists, Blog, Edgewater Events, Exhibitions, Show Openings

A N N E   C A D Y
m a y ‘ s   f e a t u r e d   a r t i s t

O P E N I N G   R E C E P T I O N
f r i d a y ,   m a y   6 ,   5 – 7 p m


Join us on Friday, May 6, from 5 to 7pm as we celebrate the opening of Anne Cady’s “Featured Artist” exhibition (on display through May 31).

“Through my paintings I am able to journey back to that slower country rhythm of the past, away from this hurry-up world and into those open spaces that are so quickly disappearing. With my imagination as my guide, I take what I see in this place and make it my own. I am not ruled by what is real. It is the bold and vibrant colors, packed with their emotionally charged energy, that lift me and move me in the direction that I need to go. As a painter I make this journey alone but some days my brush is in another’s hand. Those are the good days where everything flows”  – Anne Cady


Anne Cady’s featured artist exhibition will be on display throughout the month of May.

Edgewater Gallery