In 2013, Artists, Blog, Edgewater Events, Exhibitions, Show Openings

E D G E W A T E R   P R O U D L Y   H O S T S
w i t h   t h e   l a k e   d u n m o r e   &   f e r n   l a k e   a s s o c i a t i o n

L A K E   D U N M O R E
o n   v i e w   a u g u s t   1 2 – 2 4

O P E N I N G   R E C E P T I O N
s a t u r d a y ,   a u g u s t   1 7,  5 – 7 p m

Come celebrate as nine artists share their vision of our beloved lakes: Loons gliding by in the early morning; afternoons on the glassy water with even clearer blue skies; watching the sun set over the National Forest; and relaxing on an Adirondack chair. Artists Warren Kimble, Michael Bober, Cabell Hatfield, Jean Somerset, Brian Bauer, Ashley Wolff, Joe Bolger, Vcevy Strekalovsky, and Deborah Sharpe-Lunstead present their interpretations from August 12-24, and we invite you to our Opening Reception for wine and hors d’œuvres. Ten percent of all sales from the show benefit the Association in their conservation efforts.

Edgewater Gallery