In 2011, Artists, Blog, Edgewater Events, Exhibitions

N E W   A R T I S T S :   N O W   O N   D I S P L A Y
d e b o r a h   s h a r p e – l u n s t e a d   &   g a i l   s a u t e r


Deborah Sharpe-Lunstead, ‘Looking Toward Vermont (Eastern Townships, Quebec, Canada)’. Pigmented pulp and pastel painting.

Deborah Sharpe – Lunstead, ‘Pagodas on Isle Lake (Burma)’. Pigmented pulp painting.

Classical musician, fiber artist, and self-taught papermaker, Deborah Sharpe-Lunstead only began drawing in 2004, while living in Sri Lanka. Upon her return to the states in 2007, Deborah discovered her true artistic voice while combining her pulp paper technique with her newly honed painting and drawing skills. To learn more about her pulp painting techniques and twenty-five years of extensive travel, click here.


Gail Sauter, ‘Her Place’. Oil on canvas.

Gail Sauter, ‘Splish-Splash’. Oil on canvas.

Striving to capture the extraordinary in the ordinary, Gail Sauter paints to emphasize the importance of remaining present, awareness of fleeting moments, and to capture the images that stay in her mind’s eye. Learn about the mystery of Gail’s ambiguous details and foundation of memories within her work here.


Both Deborah and Gail are part of our current show, Virtually Abroad, an exhibit featuring views and travels of exotic lands from six New England artists. On display until April 10. Click here for more information.

Edgewater Gallery