In 2014, Artists, Blog, Edgewater Events
First off, everyone here at the gallery would like to give a big thank you to those of you who came to our birthday celebration. Though it was definitely a brisk November day, we had many guests come by and it was great to see the gallery and the town so lively on a dark, wintry night. Feel free to check out (and tag yourselves!) in our photo album from the event!


For December, our lovely featured artists, Hannah Sessions and Jill Madden, are both showcasing new pieces and having a raffle in the spirit of the holiday season. Each artist is raffling off a brand new painting and all the money made from the raffle will go to the Vermont Food Bank towards purchasing healthy meals for those in need. Last winter, we provided over 1200 meals from this raffle and hope to make a similar impact this year!

Check back soon to see what painting each artist has chosen to raffle (and which you could have in your own home!)

Raffle tickets will be available as of Friday, November 28, 2014  for $20 each and we are planning to hang both of their work on December 1st so there will be much to see at the gallery in a few weeks. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone and stay warm!

Edgewater Gallery